Sunday, January 29, 2012

Yes, You can :)

There`s that story I read; about some cats in a royal show that were trained to walk on 2 of their legs and hold a plate with the other 2. The show went well, until a rat showed up in the room, then all the cats dropped the plates and ran after the cat… This story was meant to teach us that natural habits beat acquired ones…. Well, I have just one comment about all that “We`re not animals”

The one difference between humans and animals is that we`re not the slaves of our own needs, we have will power and we can change if we want to. Yes, I believe that people can change, because I did.

For those who don`t know me, I am a positive person “most of the time”, I am always smiling thank God, and when I asked my brother (who`s also my best friend) to tell me what`s the worst thing about me; he said that I am over confident.

But, do you think that I have always been that way? My college friends don’t believe me when I tell them how I was 4 years ago; I was the drama queen, the princess of darkness, and my face was always frowning! Not to mention my negative attitude, my very low self-esteem, and my social life was a big zeppo!

Yes, it`s true, I have witnesses :D but thank God, today I am a 180 degree changed person :)

One day, I was talking to my friend`s mother; she`s a very wise lady. I was telling her about how bad I felt about myself, my life, blah blah blah “drama queen things :D” and I was surprised by her comment; she said “your problem is that you hate yourself” … nothing more J

I kept thinking about what she said, and I was amazed how right she was! And since that day I decided to change! It took me a lot of exercising to learn how to have a smile on my face all the time; I trained myself to be positive and confident, it wasn`t easy for me, it was a lot of hard work, but it finally worked thank God J

The reason why I told you my story is that I learned 3 great lessons from it! The first one is that people can change; the person you were yesterday doesn’t have to be the one you are today! You can change anything about you, only if you really want to! So never give up on yourself!

 Which takes me to the second lesson; you can`t change for someone, or for something, the change has to be from inside you; yes support is important and motivational, but your reason must be coming from your heart!

The third lesson that I learned is that “One word can really change someone`s life” my friend`s mother only gave me a small advice, yet I can never thank her enough!  So take care of every word you say, let your advices be constructive! May your words change someone`s life to a better one J J

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


You know what`s the most annoying thing about us humans? It`s that we ALWAYS judge. We judge everyone; every action they do and every word they say! And it`s not like we know them that well or we ask to know their point of view, no, we just judge them.

We see someone who looks differently, or speak in an unfamiliar way, we start to say “Oh he`s not a good person, don`t listen to him” we see a girl that dresses differently, we say “Oh no, she`s a ho!” we see a student that wears glasses and has a high grades we say “LOSER!”, and it never ends!

But! What if they`re not? What if being different doesn’t mean bad, what if those people have really good hearts?  One thing that I learned from studying philosophy is that nobody knows everything , everyone sees life according to his own experiences and everyone has reasons to do what he does; so as long as we don`t know them, we can`t judge!

I made a deal with myself few days ago to stop judging without really knowing; It`s very hard but it feels great! And in the middle of all the political issues that we now have in Egypt, I started not to attack, but to defend everyone! I started to look for goodness in everyone and to assume that the other person is good unless he proves not to be; and I have never been in peace with myself like this before J

Seriously, the worst feeling ever is to be oppressed, so stop jumping to conclusions and put yourself in other's shoes; it`s not how a person looks that defines who he is and whether he`s good or bad, it`s what`s deep inside of him; so take your time to know that person, or you may miss knowing some great people J and instead of looking for flaws in other people, it`s time to look at the mirror and judge yourself J

Just remember, if God wanted us all to be the same and look the same, we would be; but there is wisdom behind our differences and our disagreements.  

Monday, January 23, 2012

Think twice!

It`s not just the smoke that can suffocate him! it`s the pressure you are putting on him; your kid isn`t a robot that can be programmed to always do the right things, he is a human, and  humans make mistakes! I know it`s because you love him and you`re afraid he may fail, but violence was never a good method of teaching. Before you raise your hand to hit your kid, think twice; his injure could be permenant. Many kids got handicapped because of the so-called love of their parents; but love is guilt free!
"Always against children abuse" :)

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Moments :)

Perfection; people waste their life searching for it, until they realize that it doesn`t exist. There`s nothing like a perfect life, a perfect relationship or a perfect career, but there`s always perfect moments; a touching moment with your family, a serene moment with yourself or a moment when you feel close to God… these moments are the key to happiness. You alone can choose to do whatever you want with each moment you are given! You alone can make the moment impeccable, a moment you would cherish forever! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2012

ارجوك متفتيش!

يا جماعة، عايزين نعمل حملة "كفاية فتي بقي".....
 اما تسمع رأي الشيوخ "الموثوق فيهم طبعا" بيقولوا ان كذا حرام او كذا حلال، و انت من جواك مقتنع 100% بالعكس،انت حر مع نفسك! بس ارجوك "متفتيش"... خلي رأيك لنفسك!

لازم نعرف ان زي ما في صدقة جارية، في برده سيئة جارية! يعني لو رأيك ده طلع غلط، مش بس هتتحاسب علي ذنبك! ده انت هتتحاسب علي ذنبك و ذنب اللي سمعلك و ذنب اللي سمع للي سمعلك و هكذا!

طب ليه؟ هو احنا اصلا مستحملين ذنوبنا لوحدنا! انت حر تعمل اللي انت عايزه بس مش عشان تحس بالرضا عن نفسك تحلل او تحرم علي مزاجك! علماء الدين دول عشان يقدروا يفتوا بيقروا و يدرسوا و يتعلموا كتييييييييير قوي! و لو افتوا بحاجة غلط هيتحاسبوا علي كل انسان سمع منهم! احنا مش مؤهلين لده!
هتقوللي "يعني انا بمفهمش، ولا ممكن يبقوا غلط ولا هو انا معنديش دماغ افكر!" لأ عندك، و فكر يا سيدي براحتك و اعمل اللي انت عايزه، ما انت اللي هتستحمل نتيجة اختيارك سواء صح او غلط! بس خاف علي نفسك، و متتحملش مسئولية حد تاني، عشان دي مسئولية انت مش قدها...