One month ago we had a tragic accident in our family, we lost our precious grandmother; and it was a shock for all of us. :( For a moment there I felt like I lost all my family, because grandma was the one person that brings the whole family together; and I swear I never felt that lonely like I felt the day of her funeral.
But on the same week of her death my uncle`s wife gave birth to the newest member of our family, my little cousin. :) And suddenly all the family started to come together and surround the baby and his parents; that baby was the one who brought us the joy back and helped us recovering our grief :)

If you ever lose a friend, a job or an opportunity, be sure that there is something somewhere for you in return. The quote “When God closes a door, somewhere He opens a window” is very true, and sometimes you`re going to have to let go of your grief and look for that window around you because that`s how life works.
So today`s message is: Never lose hope, God`s mercy is infinite :) and your window will have a beautiful view, definitely :) :)