Have you ever scolded your kid, or your little brother maybe; because he was spending his time drawing on papers, wasting his time and messing up the room? You yelled “Stop this stupid thing you’re doing and go study!” didn’t you? I did that with my sister few days ago, and you know what; SHAME ON ME!
Every one of us has a gift inside him; maybe he knows it, and maybe not. Naturally, we are always trying to find the hidden treasure inside ourselves, to give our life a meaning, and to find out what makes us special; that’s what my sister was doing, she was digging trying to find her treasure; but foolish me! I stopped her! Even though I could’ve just said “Sweetie, you can continue your drawing, after you finish your homework” or “Sweetie, please don’t throw papers on the floor, you can draw whatever you like, but keep the place clean” … But I didn’t! Instead I discouraged her and hurt her feelings!
It came to my notice while I was reading some articles about “How to change bad habits”; that whenever someone writes helpful tips, “Get support” must be included.
Come to think of it, if it hadn’t been for my siblings and my friends Hla, Rachel, Hend and Omar I wouldn’t have finished my story, I wouldn’t have created this blog and I wouldn’t have been writing my thoughts down in these posts! If they hadn’t supported me, I wouldn’t have had the courage to share my writings with you.
It’s true; “Support” is one of the greatest gifts anyone can give you; it helps develop yourself and accomplish your dreams; and without it no one can move forward. Personally, I think it’s one of the human’s basic needs; it’s necessary in every relationship; parenthood, friendship or love, without support the relationship is destructive!