And there she was, she fell in love… she didn’t understand why, but for some reason, she couldn’t take her eyes of him, for some reason she couldn’t stop thinking about him, for some reason she felt he was her security, her happiness and her dreams….
The story went on, and that feeling was growing day by day… the girl cried “help me!! I am totally in love with the guy…help me…I am trying to forget but it`s useless…tell me how to end that story”. The girl had no one to trust and to speak to except her best friend…who was thought to be a true friend.
The girl trusted her friend, she told her every secret of her heart…she told her how she was afraid to get hurt.
The girl went on her story…she thought everything was fine, the guy was so sweet….and the girl was pure, he meant the life to her…but she never knew that she was nothing to him .
The girl worked hard to change, she wanted to be the perfect for him, and she tried to get closer to his heart because she didn’t feel safe anywhere else. But what a surprise, what a smile could be on the face when you find the so-called lover, with the so-called friend?!....except the smile that hides tears and pain….the smile of a girl that couldn’t even cry… although she was screaming on the inside…she was afraid that he would hurt her, but she never thought that her best friend would …. She didn’t know who she would miss, her love, or her best friend.

She learned that life, not like the movies….it never stops at a point. No matter how cruel the moment is, it will pass. And no matter how much we wish that time can freeze in a happy moment, it doesn’t. Not like the movies, we can’t just show the credits and have a happy ending…