Thursday, March 29, 2012

Ghosts form the past!

Have you ever had your heart broken; have you ever had someone in your life that took your heart and shattered it into pieces? How long has it been; weeks, months, or maybe years? … How exactly would you feel if I mentioned that someone’s name now? Do you wish you can hurt them back or don’t you hold a grudge?

Most people get their heart broken at least once in their lifetime, whether they get cheated on, lied to or even they get treated rudely or hear hurtful words; it’s nothing to be happy about, but it’s simply life. Some people learn how to move on and let go of their past; but sadly, a lot of people get stuck in it; they waste their present weeping about what happened, and hoping they can get even one day, hoping they can confront the person that hurt them and tell them exactly how they feel. Time passes, but the story remains unfinished; it haunts the person’s mind like a ghost and it makes him unable to get on with his life…

Oh :0 , that’s a lot of drama! :D I am not used to write that negatively! I swear I didn’t mean to remind you of some sad memories; but, on a second thought, I did! I did want you to remember that person who is haunting you mind right now; I want you to remember how bad he made you feel one day, and how much you wanted to kill him then, maybe you still want to :D

I want you to ask yourself this question “What is he thinking about now?”… well, of course you don’t know what is he thinking about now, but the chance that he is thinking about you is 1 in a million… So, why are you so obsessed with him? Your obsession is not helping you getting even; it’s only hurting you and making you feel bad all the time! I know he hurt you, I know he disappointed you; but it’s not about him anymore, it’s about you now. So why don’t you just let go?

Years ago, I had my heart broken in every possible way by my best friend (ex-best friend of course); I used to get very mad and feel horrible when I hear her name, I was like “Shoot me please!” until I realized that the only one who was feeling bad was me, she wasn’t; and I knew that I didn’t deserve to be sad all this time, I was the oppressed not the oppressor. So I decided to feel good and forget all about her! Of course it wasn’t easy for me to forgive someone who hurt me that much, but I practically forced myself into it, I decided to be the better person and to let go; and by time, it got better. To be honest, I am not 100% in piece with her of course I am not and angel; but now when I meet her I don’t feel any kind of sadness, I don’t want something bad to happen to her, I even sympathize with her sometimes when she has a problem…

So, today’s lesson is: Learn how to forgive and to let go, it’s not just a gift to the people who hurt you, it’s the only way you can get your inner peace and you can keep your heart pure; and that serenity is what millions are dreaming of :) :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

جدد نيتك :)

اتنين ستات ، كل واحدة في مطبخها بتقشر بصل و عنيها بتوجعها و عمالة  تدمع....
الاولي، من جواها عمالة تهري و تمكت في نفسها "قطعت الجواز و سنينه! ما انا كنت قاعدة مرتاحة في بيت اهلي! يللا بالسم الهاري!!"

اما التانية، من جواها بتقول "يا رب انا بعمل كل ده عشانك! يا رب ارضي عني يا رب! يا رب خلي عملي ده في ميزان حسناتي!"
صحيح، الاتنين دول بيعملوا نفس الحاجة بالظبط من بره، بس من جوا الفرق كبير قوي! الست التانية دي جددت نيتها و اخدت علي عمل صغير قوي زي تقشير البصل حسنات كتير قوي بأذن الله! انما بقي الست التانية، طبعا الله اعلم ربنا بحسابها، بس احساسي بيقوللي ان الغلبان جوزها ممكن يجيلوا تسسم من كتر الغل اللي في الاكل
باب الحسنات مش بس مقفول علي الصلاة و الصوم و الصدقة، لأ ده باب واسع قوي، عشان ربنا كريم قوي!  آى حاجة  ممكن تكون بتعملها، مهما كانت صغيرة (و تكون طبعا مش حرام)، ممكن تاخد حسنات عليها ان شاء الله، بس جدد نيتك! يعني في مذاكرتك، في شغلك، في شغل البيت، في تريبة ولادك، حتي لو في خروجك مع اصحابك بينة انك تتبسط شوية عشان ترجع تسعي في مرضاة الله...

يااااه! شوفوا كرم ربنا قد ايه؟ الحمدلله هلي نعمة الاسلام  :) متنسوش بقي كل يوم الصبح، تجددوا نيتكوا  :) :)

اللهم إجعل أعمالنا خالصة لوجهك الكريم ولا تشرك بها أحدا  :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The bus station

 Have you ever stood at the bus station, saw the bus coming towards you and then thought “this one is so crowded, I will catch the next one”? … Did you ever arrive to the station just few seconds late that the bus had already left?  Happens to me all the time; but it always makes me wonder “what if?”… What if that first train could drive me faster to my destination?  What if the next one was more crowded? What if there is no next one?

When I think about it, I am amazed how much the bus station can resemble life; from how I see life, I think it has three major factors; a dream, an opportunity and time; a destination, a bus and the timing! Life is just like a bus station, revolving around these three factors; and if you lose one of them, you can never stop asking “What if?”

Most of us know Walt Disney’s famous quote “If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” This man had a dream, and he had a talent which was an opportunity. He believed that he could achieve his dreams, he seized the opportunity and he succeeded; just like that, when the timing was right, all he needed is a dream and an opportunity.

Time! It’s impossible to write down everything about “time” in one paragraph of course; but what I can tell you, is that time is the most important thing in this world; without it, life will be meaningless. “86400” seconds a day, every second is special, every moment that passes will never come back; and yet we waste days doing nothing even though we have million opportunities we can seize! Lately I started to use the time I waste on my way to college reading a book; surprisingly, I realized that I can finish a book every day; just in my transportation time. Watch out for your time because of you don’t control it, it will control you!

 Opportunities; there are two types of them; the first type is the safe, easy and more importantly available opportunity; like the subway! It’s always there, but still a lot of people prefer taking the bus. The easy opportunities are all around us, everywhere, in school, in work and even on the internet; like for example, the online free tutorials; you have a chance to learn anything you want, a language, a software program, a hobby, etc… but how many people actually use this opportunity? How many people take advantage of it? Very few people!

The other type of opportunities is the BIG opportunities that can come once in a life time! These opportunities are scary, risky and unpredictable. Some people have sense of adventure, they like to take risks and to seize these opportunities; others get scared and choose to go the “Safe” way. But sometimes their safe way make get lost, and sometimes they even forget what their destination was. And it’s up to you who do you want to be? Do you want to be just “someone else”? Or do you want to be someone who seized every opportunity?

And last but not least, we have the “Dream”. Not every one of us has a dream! And not every one of us believes that his dream can come true! But the truth is; life without a dream is tasteless! If you don’t have a destination, then what are you doing at the bus station? But thank God! If you’re not one of the lucky people who have dreams, there is a way you can find yours. SEIZE THE OPPORTUNITIES! Yes, if you don’t have any destination, be spontaneous, get on the bus, and see where it will take you. Learn new things go to new places as long as you have the opportunity to; you may find yourself in something you never thought you’d be even interested in… You have nothing to lose, so take risks! Dream big! Believe that there’s more in this life and you’ll get it… Be like Belle in beauty and the beast; when she said There must be more than this provincial life!” she said it as if she was sure life could give her more! And that’s exactly what she got! :)
And finally, today’s message for you my reader is, seize every opportunity you can find! Because if there were no buses, how would you reach the destination? ;)