But after a while, I started to forget how mad I was when the whole thing was blown off; and now, whenever I look at my “smurf” I remember the perfect day I had with those friends and the happiness I felt back then so I go from my disappointment to my contentment.
And this, my great readers, is one of the things that make me who I am. I always work so hard to make little things that I like however bad the situation is; I am the girl who brings a video camera to the class and record a funny movie; I am the girl who collects the cinema tickets from the outings and write on them her favorite memories of the day; I am the girl who makes scrapbooks and photographs every good memory; and the girl who remembers every compliment that was said to her through the years.
People call me crazy for it but I think it`s totally smart. Now, instead of remembering my college years with the boring lectures, the harsh professors and the gibberish texts I can look at my album and remember all the great times I had with my friends back then, instead or remembering the criticism I remember the compliment.
Why are people so focused on the serious, regular things but they never look at the little good things? Just because it`s fun, doesn’t make it less important than any serious subject. When I remember my old friends that I haven’t seen in years, I remember the fun stuff we used to do together, the laughing, the outings… I don’t want to remember how we used to sit in the lectures staring at the board understanding nothing from what the professor was saying; and I definitely don’t want to remember the exams and the assignments.
I don’t mean to say that we shouldn’t care about our studies or that we should ignore the serious things in life, I swear. What I mean is, we should enjoy everything we do no matter how hard it is; we should make great memories out of the bad ones. I believe that life was made to be enjoyed! But people focus so much on their duties in life that they forget how to enjoy it! It doesn’t have to be an overseas adventure that makes you happy; sometimes, just enjoying your cup of coffee can bring you happiness, but only if you do it right! Think about it, if you don’t do it now, when will you? Trust me, little things in life always matter the most…