Friday, December 30, 2011

2011, A start of a new era

you started with a fire in a church, bullies, death of innocent people, burning cultural books!
But! you were the wake up call that we needed, the first time we stood up to corruption, the first time we had fair elections and our voices did matter!
The first time, I felt safe although the bullies were everywhere, just because I know that our men are down the building guarding us! The first time thousands of people protested because one girl they don`t even know was attacked and forced to go nude! and for the first time I am so proud to be egyptian!
and finally, you end up with a new born baby to my family, and that`s why I will always be optimistic :)
2011! no matter what people say, you were a turning point :)
happy, peacful new year everyone!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


Once upon a time, an old man took his son to the dessert between the mountains; the man then screamed with his highest voice “I love you!” then what he said was repeated by even a higher voice! The man then screamed “I hate you!” and also that one was repeated. The wise man then looked at his son and said “Do you see son? This is how life works! You give love and happiness, you get love and happiness! You give hatred and hostility, then that`s exactly what you`ll get.”

Echoes! They`re not just repetition of your words, they`re the reflection of what`s inside you on the outside world; what you think of life is exactly what you`re going to get. If a person believes that getting a good job is hard then he will never find a good job, unless he works so hard; on the other side, if a person knows in his heart that good opportunities are always there, he sure will find them! Just like “Mark Zuckerberg” when he invented the Facebook, even though he was so young, he knew that there was an easy way of success that was there in his hands, and he found it. Other people works their whole life and they don`t achieve anything compared to him!

In our society, we grew up to believe a lot of wrong thoughts about life; we believe that money is hard to get, we believe that relationships are full of problems, and we believe people can’t be trusted. Well, these thoughts aren’t 100% wrong, there are people who suffer to get money and people who have very bad relationships; but these people are not the "RULE", they are the "EXCEPTION"! But because we`re too scared to lower our defenses we can’t see the difference anymore! Because we believe that “Expectations leads to disappointment” we choose to expect the worst; even though every religion teaches us to be optimistic.

If you believe that people are bad and they can`t be trusted, you will live your life looking out for bad people that you will miss all the good people around you! So stop being defensive and open your heart to people and to life; I am not asking you to trust anyone, I am just telling you that there are some people that are trust worthy,  even if you haven’t met them yet!

Dear reader, most people spend their lives trying to find happiness, but they never recognize that happiness is inside of them! A happy person isn’t a person who has no problems in his life; a happy person is the one who chooses to be happy no matter what! He stands up to life and shouts “I am happy”, and then his echo fills the space with happiness that reaches him and the people around him too.

Dear reader, try changing the way you see life, and I guarantee your life will change. You only have one chance to live so don`t waste your life being scared of dreaming, dream big! Believe in a better life! And be positive!